3 MINUTE MONDAYHi friend, How much should you try to optimise your life? How much should you be thinking about ways to improve? How much should you care about things? For many people, perhaps even most, the answer to all of these questions is “more”. Indeed the world largely belongs to the intense optimisers, not the laissez-faire guy chilling in a hammock who hit snooze 3 times this morning. Telling people to optimise more is a reliable way to improve the lives of most people because most people need to be tightened up, not loosened off, and being more obsessive will tend to deliver better results in worldly success. Most advice is charitably given to people who need to think more carefully, be more deliberate and work harder. The problem is when this message lands with the wrong audience. The perennial perma-optimisers. Then it creates a world where overthinkers are convinced to think even more. These people need loosening off, not tightening up. Given that you read this newsletter, I’m going to guess you fall into this category. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be obsessive and pay attention to detail. The problem arises when you can no longer delineate between the very small number of things that matter enough to obsess over, and *everything else*. Assuming you have a small bucket of pursuits which are important, you’ve probably learned that a very deliberate, effortful, optimised approach is a successful strategy This obsession and addiction begins to bleed into all other areas of your life. Turning off the tap of optimisation is hard and soon the entire map is flooded with the same desire to always push for perfect. Your brain tells you “Look at how effective your perfectionism has been in your professional life! Why don’t we try to apply that to your sleep routine and training plan and love life and house cleanliness and toenails?” One solution I learned about this week is Deliberate Deoptimisation. Purposefully letting areas which could be dialled in further fall by the wayside in order to give your brain capacity to focus on the ones that really matter. Focusing on your pounds, not everyone else’s pennies. Sure, you could have 5 credit cards with special cashback bonuses and capture all the points for your air miles, but given that you’re already close to capacity on Things To Give A Shit About, is it wise to add yet another to the list? Sure, your intra-workout nutrition could probably be dialled in more with some pre-digested grass-fed whey & dextrose, but what if this takes your energy away from the key area of just hitting the gym 5 times this week? Sure you could spend all day watching the stock market instead of just investing in an Index Fund but how much damage will this new candle-graph-addiction do to your relationship? Oliver Burkeman inspired me with a thought recently: Question: “How much should you care about things?”
Answer: I’m unsure exactly but I know that it’s not “the absolute maximum amount, all the time, for everything”.
Not everything is a life or death situation. And even if you know this cognitively, you still need to stop reflexively behaving like it is. Deliberately letting go of certain areas is a good way to give overthinkers like us more space to regain some sanity. MODERN WISDOMI do a podcast which has had 550 million+ downloads. You should subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. This week’s upcoming episodes: Monday. Thursday. Saturday. THINGS I'VE LEARNED1. 1. Contrary to popular opinion, people aren’t working longer hours these days than they did in the past. 2. Are millennials less wealthy than baby boomers were at the same age, as we often hear? 3. In the wake of Islamist terrorist attacks, people often worry about anti-Muslim backlash. 4. According to conventional wisdom, European colonialists drew up African national borders thoughtlessly and arbitrarily. 5. Contrary to the common belief that the rich don’t pay any taxes, the wealthiest 1% of Americans now pay nearly half of all income taxes, and more than the bottom 95% put together. 6. Many believe that global inequality is rapidly increasing: Rich countries are getting richer, while poor ones are getting poorer. —huge h/t Steve Stewart-Williams 2. Prior to the emergence of modern medicine, the average mortality rate was roughly 25% for infants and 40–50% for children across human evolution. That is, nearly half of our would-be ancestors did not survive to reproductive age. 3. “If you invite 40 girls it’s a party. LIFE HACKLegendary Foods Sweet Protein Treats. I still can’t believe that these things exist. 20g of protein in a protein pastry that tastes like a Pop Tart. Or a Cinnamon Roll. With less than 4g net carbs. I’ve been in love with these for over a year now. Basically the ultimate hack to beat a sweet tooth and get more protein in at the same time. Get 10% off with MODERNWISDOM. Shop Legendary Foods. (US only atm - sorry) Big love, Try my productivity drink Neutonic. PS |
Podcaster with 600m+ plays. I write about the most important lessons I learn from the best thinkers on the planet. 200,000+ people read my free newsletter. Press subscribe to join.
3 MINUTE MONDAY Hi friend, See me at my London Live Show Thursday 28th November at the Eventim Apollo - General Tickets still available! https://chriswilliamson.live/london Australia Live Shows - Brisbane 6th, Melbourne 8th & Sydney 9th November - General Tickets still available! https://chriswilliamson.live/australia I went to a retreat in California last year. During it I met a business owner whose YouTube content I used to watch a long time ago. When I asked him why he stopped making...
3 MINUTE MONDAY Hi friend, Struggling to focus? Try my productivity drink Neutonic with free next day delivery in the UK & USA. Charles Darwin was unsure whether he should get married so he made a list. The document has two columns, one labeled Marry, one labeled Not Marry, and above them, circled, are the words “This is the Question.” On the pro-marriage side of the equation were “Children—(if it Please God)—Constant companion, (&friend in old age) who will feel interested in one,—object to...
3 MINUTE MONDAY Hi friend, Come see me at my London Live Show - Thursday 28th November at the Eventim Apollo. General Tickets still available! https://chriswilliamson.live/london And my Australia Live Shows - Brisbane 6th, Melbourne 8th & Sydney 9th November. General Tickets limited! https://chriswilliamson.live/australia “The world belongs to optimists. Because if you’re going to to do anything big you have to believe that it can happen. Otherwise it never will. Shaan Puri says ‘the cynics...